About Defiant Joy

We are all spending a lot of energy reaching for happiness, but never quite able to hang on to it. Real life happens, and our circumstances take us on an emotional rollercoaster ride. So when we hear the call to "be joyful always," it sounds crazy and out of reach. But it doesn't have to be.

Joy is meant to be ours, a joy that is defiant in the face of this broken world. It's not simply happiness on steroids. It's the unyielding belief that sorrow and loss do not have the final say. It's the stubborn determination to be present to whatever may come and to interpret both goodness and grief by the light of heaven. 

I hope you'll join me on this journey of the heart. It goes beyond sadness or happiness - because neither of those emotions is enough to sustain us. Along the way, we'll discover how to maintain a posture of holy defiance that neither denies nor diminishes our pain but dares us to live with expectant, unwavering hope. 

Disponible en español.


January 31, 2024
Life is so full. So fast. So demanding. Drive here. Pick up that. Make that appointment. Call that person. Call that person back. Try again. Plan the meals. Whoops, pick up something fast for dinner. Go to the grocery store again. Get the mail. Open the bills. Find space for your soul. Pause. Take... Read more
December 06, 2022
I’m guessing that the biggest issue facing you right now is not what present to get someone for Christmas or how many different kinds of cookies to bake. There are larger forces at play in each of our lives. From conversations I am having with friends and family detailing the sorrows in their lives... Read more
July 27, 2022
I find it interesting to be in the last quarter of my life…at least if you divide a lifetime by 20 year increments. As I approach my 63rd birthday, I sometimes catch myself in my dreaming. I want to partner with God in so many ways bringing his beautiful Kingdom to hearts that don’t know him yet. I... Read more
February 03, 2022
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." Charles... Read more
November 14, 2021
I have mentioned before that I hate endings, partings, goodbyes; even “see you laters” can be fraught with emotion for me when I don’t have any idea when the “later” will be. We have had horses for 17 years. They have been boarded at Wolf Ranch 3 minutes from our home. One of them was Kokolo, a... Read more